

Fly over Madrid by helicopter like a real VIP

World Aviation Group expands its offer of services to travel by helicopter for pleasure or business for less than you can imagine.

Flying is always a unique experience that takes on a new dimension aboard a helicopter. And we say this with firsthand experience, because at The Luxonomist, we had the opportunity to enjoy the views of Madrid from the sky aboard one of World Aviation Group’s helicopters.

A well-established company in the private aviation sector, its mission is to offer unique experiences to its clients by combining luxury, comfort, and safety in every flight.

The adventure began at Cuatro Vientos Airport. A small group of journalists boarded one of their aircraft (piloted by an experienced pilot) and the sensation was indescribable. Nothing like being on an airplane.

VIP Helicopter Flights

In addition to this experience of flying over Madrid as is done in other cities around the world like New York, the company offers many other experiences to satisfy curiosity and test the adrenaline of passengers of all profiles.

All are VIP flights offering a high level of comfort and privacy. These allow for travel from one place to another in Spain, ideal for businesspeople, with one of the most popular routes being from Barcelona to Mallorca. A short and comfortable flight perfect for a weekend getaway, with prices ranging from 3,000-5,000 euros.

Unlimited offer

However, World Aviation Group also offers 20-minute rides with a price dropping to around 235 euros per person; or special experiences such as a dinner with champagne in the air. Additionally, the brand also organizes panoramic tours, transport for weddings or anniversaries, sky proposals… there are no limits.

In addition to helicopter flights and experiences, the brand also trains future pilots. As Paloma from the VIP team at World Aviation Group explains, it’s a crucial part of the team to know that their clients are in the best hands. There is no doubt that flying is now easier and safer than ever and can also be an experience only for the most demanding.


If you want to join our team, do not hesitate to send us your CV to careers@groupworldaviation.com