
Madrid from a bird's eye view: discover this unique experience aboard a helicopter

A unique plan with which you can contemplate the Region of Madrid while taking a ride through the sky. Even the more daring can choose to take the controls of the aircraft.

From Madrid to Heaven” goes the famous phrase with which madrileños proudly boast about their city. It is true that the capital of Spain has a special aura that attracts tourists from all over the world, starting with its eclectic architecture and followed by its traditional gastronomy. To this is added the more than wide variety of plans and activities that the city offers, ensuring that we never get bored for even a single second.

The capital even surprises those who think they have done everything in the city. That iconic phrase can become a reality and literally elevate us to the sky of Madrid aboard a helicopter, enjoying a unique panoramic view thanks to World Aviation. And that’s not all; we can not only take a bird’s-eye view ride but also get behind the controls of the aircraft and be a pilot for a day.

A Ride Through the Sky of Madrid

“There are only eight commercial flight licenses for helicopters in Spain, and World Aviation has just obtained one,” says Fernando Gómez, spokesman for the company. World Aviation is a conglomerate of companies dedicated for more than ten years to the aeronautical sector, from the mechanical and engineering part to training and private flights.

Helicópteros de World Aviation
World Aviation Helicopters

Passenger transport by helicopter operates on demand, and the first thing requested is exclusivity. “The profile of users of this type of helicopter is higher than that of a private jet because in the aeronautical world, the most complex and expensive to operate are helicopters,” says Gómez. The company has predefined certain types of services, such as a charter flight from Madrid to Marbella, trips to specific areas like country estates, and experience trips, such as a ride through the sky of the Community of Madrid. The service is entirely customizable, so the client chooses the exact day and time.

Departing from Cuatro Vientos Airport, we can fly over the community and enjoy a unique perspective of the cities (without flying directly overhead for safety reasons) and the natural spaces. “We seek to increase the added value of tourism,” explains Gómez. For example, we can also hire the service for other situations, such as going to dinner at an exclusive place where only access by helicopter is possible. “The safety of a helicopter has nothing to do with that of a private vehicle on a road. The aeronautical world is the safest there is, and the client who can afford it pays for it,” he says.

Vistas desde el helicóptero
Views from the Helicopter

As for prices, they start from 2,000 euros per hour. However, this amount is indicative, as it is affected by factors such as the fees that must be paid for landing and taking off from airports. Shorter flights can also be arranged, costing, for example, between 1,000 and 1,500 euros. Another option is shared 30-minute flights, allowing several people interested in taking a ride in the aircraft to share the costs, although in this way the date of the experience cannot be chosen.

At the Controls of the Aircraft: Pilot for a Day

Tourist and transfer flights from one point to another are not the only experiences we can enjoy. World Aviation also offers the opportunity to become pilots for a day. This service includes a 30-minute theoretical instruction session on the principles of flight and the procedure inside the cabin, followed by a flight session in which we can pilot the aircraft, of course always under the supervision of a qualified flight instructor.

Vuelo con instructor en la experiencia de Piloto por un día
Flight with Instructor in the Pilot for a Day Experience

Prices for this service in Madrid by helicopter are 435 euros per person for 30 minutes of flight, 658 euros for 45 minutes, and 878 euros for 60 minutes. There is also the option to do it by plane: 30 minutes for 198 euros, 45 minutes for 297 euros, and 60 minutes for 396 euros.


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